Enjoy the tranquility
A naturalistic stream with various twists and turns babbling its way towards your pond will enhance any outdoor space tenfold! The meanders will increase the peaceful sounds and fundamentally increase the amount of angles you can view the waterfalls from therefore more enjoyment and tranquility for various areas of your garden.

Downhill is the only way
As you can imagine elevation changes will either work for you or against you, although it is feasible to change the elevation to ensure the stream is falling towards your main viewing areas, patios and decking etc! A few simple steps must be adhered by make a steam look as natural as possible including utilising a good slope if it is available.
It makes the design much easier, as if the stream almost appeared over night; carving and eroding itself into the hillside, creating rocky exposed out crops exactly how it would in nature. It is also crucial to maximise the stream length as if the stream was navigating itself across the slope increasing viewing areas and interest.
The ocean is the limit
The possibilities for creation are endless; our artistic flare goes crazy when creating these master pieces. A stream can truly be the centre piece of any outdoor space! There are infinite variations and the possibilities are endless, each stone is different; telling its own story of how it was formed millions of years ago to end its journey in your back garden with water splashing and babbling over or around it. The way the water interacts with each stone and the different sounds that are created as the water tumbles over them.
The sound can be a deep pitch somewhat like the bass of the earth or at the other end high pitch; it is almost like we are tuning into nature; natures very own music for you to enjoy.
What better way to finish up a hard day’s work, relaxing with your favourite beverage by your own babbling back garden stream.

What are the benefits of adding a stream on a larger pond or lake?
In nature a stream or river collects and transports sediment. This exact process will happen within your constructed stream, an obvious but very often over looked benefit of adding a stream to your water feature is the extra filtration and oxygenation it can provide for your system. The agitated water finding its way back down into your pond becomes oxygen rich which can in turn provide oxygen to the deprived areas at the pond’s bottom. It is crucial to have a stream like this on larger scale projects for this factor alone; they will contribute the biological breakdown ensuring your ecosystem stays healthy all year around.
As the suspended solids from the lake trap in the stream the water entering the pond is somewhat cleaner, eventually the stream will become choked and need cleaning! It is certainly easier to shut off the pumps and clean out a stream bed than having to dredge an entire larger pond or lake!! By cleaning the constructed stream it removes excess nutrients and silt at the fraction of the cost of a large dredging operation. Working with nature – not against it!!!
Let's get started
Looking to get started? Fantastic, we just need a few details from you.
Please use our form below to give us as much information as you can about your project so that we can come back to you with the best way to create your dream water feature. Our form will request some recent photographs of your feature, the size and any relevant information such as type of pumps, date of last clean etc. so you will need to have these to hand before you start.
We strive to get in touch within five business days. But please bear with us if it takes us a little longer. We thank you for your patience while we are out making someone’s back garden beautiful! Yours could be next!
In the meantime, feel free to stop by one of our display features and pop over here to check out our latest blog posts or recent projects.