Increasing temperatures mean that spring is now close to being in full swing. The amphibians should have now allowed their metabolism to rise and made their way to your pond ecosystem. If you are fortunate enough to find common toad’s the chances are your pond is situated near or is their pond of birth. They make the annual trip back to their birth pond and can travel miles to do so, therefore your toad population is like your own little garden family! Whilst the frogs and toads croak and ribbit during the mating season, newts will be performing a courtship dance. The males will rear and wave their tails producing an impressive display to attract a willing female.
As well as the aquatic animals this run into spring is the earliest opportunity to experience flecks of colour in your ecosystem pond. Marsh marigolds bloom in the early spring as it allows them to establish themselves in their preferred environment before the other aquatics have the chance to outcompete them and exposure to sunlight exceeds their liking. They will produce quaint, yellow flowers, whilst also absorbing excess nutrients and providing increased surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonise. Water hawthorn is another potential source of colour in the early spring. The leaves and small, white flowers sit on the surface and can be viewed as a refreshing and delicate alternative to the usually preferred waterlilies.